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09 gegužės, 2011Organizatorius
Paryžius, Prancūzija, PrancūzijaŠiame kongrese, dalyvavo apie 600 dalyvių, t.y. atstovai iš įvairių Europos ir kitų pasaulio šalių, kur buvo aptariamos pastarojo laikmečio problemos, aktualios išvystytą centralizuotą šilumos tiekimą turinčioms šalims. Kongreso metu vyko tarptautinė paroda, specialistų seminarai, susitikimai, diskusijos, gamybos įmonių pristatymai.
Iš Lietuvos kongrese dalyvavo 7 asmenų delegacija: Kęstutis Žilėnas (LR energetikos ministerijos Energijos išteklių, elektros ir šilumos skyriaus vedėjas), Vytautas Stasiūnas (LŠTA Prezidentas), Rymantas Juozaitis (PET Lietuvos komiteto pirmininkas), Algimantas Zaremba (Lietuvos elektros energijos gamintojų asociacijos prezidentas), Valdas Lukoševičius (Lietuvos energetikos konsultantų asociacijos prezidentas), Martynas Nagevičius (Lietuvos energetikos konsultantų asociacijos direktorius) ir Svajūnas Juodka (UAB "Vilniaus energija" inovacijų direktorius).
- 2011 m. gegužės 9 d.
- International trends and developments (740.75 KB)
Sabine Froning, Director, Euroheat & Power - Managing knowledge and transferring best practices (442.71 KB)
Wilfrid Petrie, Cofely - Accelerating change and training competence (845.96 KB)
Adam Opalinski, Dalkia - Drivers, trends, barriers for DHC in China – lessons from a dynamic market (2.07 MB)
Gailius Draugelis, World Bank - Local Action with Global Benefits Impactful solutions from district energy (1.04 MB)
Richard Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International trends and developments (740.75 KB)
- 2013 m. gegužės 10 d.
- 100 ways to make profit with DHC. Findings from a study on business models (222.18 KB)
Anders Sandoff, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg - Involving third parties: expectations, challenges, constraints (454.68 KB)
Adolf Topp, AGFW - Business models today and tomorrow – regulatory regimes affecting the price strategies (1.36 MB)
Birgitta Resvik, Fortum Corporation, Head of Public Affairs Sweden - Good Practice in Metering and Billing (2.56 MB)
Johannes Jungbauer, European Affairs Officer – Euroheat & Power - Fair District Heat -Cooperation with DHC-companies and customers (81.50 KB)
Antti Kohopää, Finnish Energy Industries - European Energy Ombudsman Group: Mediation in the energy sector (775.11 KB)
Michel Astruc, GDF Suez - Solar DHC Take-off: Perspectives for solar thermal with DHC (2.07 MB)
Pedro Dias, ESTIF Deputy Secretary General - "Solar District Heating in Europe" Project (3.18 MB)
Thomas Pauschinger, Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems - SOLAR HEATING PLANTS (WG2E-ESTTP) (2.31 MB)
Jan-Olof Dalenback, CHALMERS, SE - Market Opportunities and Barriers for Solar District Heating (1.67 MB)
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Pauschinger, Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems - DHC Legislation and best practise support measures (219.56 KB)
Sven Werner, Halmstad University - Efficient heat transfer substations for district heating (1.02 MB)
Michael Kaare Jensen, Market Development Director of Danfoss District Energy - COST REDUCTION IN CARRYING OUT AND MANAGEMENT OF D.H. NETWORKS (1.66 MB)
Nicola Di Gregorio, Power-Solutions, ITALY - A Partner within Energy Metering (1.75 MB)
Kamstrup - Products & Technology (1.32 MB)
Pöyry Finland - „ …even a small hole can sink a large ship…“ (2.26 MB)
Christian Engel, Thermaflex International Holding - Powerpipe Systems (637.88 KB)
Ulf Andreasson - New applications in the sector “renewable Energy” (1.26 MB)
BRUGG - Heating network of Tarnowskie Gory (Poland) (1.60 MB)
Piotr Skrabaczewski, V-Mayor, City of Tarnowskie Gory - Heating network of Vrable (Slovakia) (942.29 KB)
Vojto Cervenka, Development Manager Dalkia - New geothermal network in Val Maubuée, east of Paris (France) (1.25 MB)
Jean-Michel LUCBERT, Technical Director, SAN of Val Maubuée - New heating and cooling network in Barcelona (Spain) (814.74 KB)
Manel Torrent, Energy Technical Director of the city of Barcelona - Regional Cooperation (866.36 KB)
Udo Wichert, Evonik - Communicating Change to Stakeholders And how to change their perceptions (862.37 KB)
Alice Stollmeyer, Purmerend District Heating - Communicating Environmental Performance to Stakeholders (1.20 MB)
Werner R. Lutsch, AGFW, Managing Director/CEO - Acceptance by ecolabelling (2.03 MB)
Jenny Gode, Assistant Director at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute - Fundamental Benefits of District Energy Funded by the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on DHC including integration of CHP, Annex IX (1.59 MB)
Mark Spurr, President, FVB Energy Legislative Director, IDEA - Policies and Barriers for DHC outside EU Countries. Funded by IEA DHC Annex IX (683.57 KB)
Bernd Kalkum - DHC and the Media (368.63 KB)
Dave Keating, Senior Reporter, ENDS Europe - The path to a successful District Cooling Project (1.76 MB)
Pär Dalin, CEO Capital Cooling Group - How to start your cooling business. Technical challenges in setting up a system (2.15 MB)
Andrej FARAZIN, R&D Engineer, Energetika Ljubljana Member of the working group District Cooling, Euroheat and Power - How to start your cooling businessDC as element of urban planning and retrofitting: 2 Spanish examples: Barcelona and Zaragoza (3.03 MB)
David Serrano García, DHC Director CofelySpain - The Future Competitiveness of District Heating (2.24 MB)
Urban Persson, PhD-student Chalmers University of Technology/Halmstad University Sweden - Eco-districts and district heating from the perspective of collectivities (1.11 MB)
Emmanuel Goy, Amorce - Becoming smart. Research priorities for the future (1.25 MB)
Anna Land, Swedish District Heating Association - DHC and the future of coal (336.88 KB)
Jaczek Szymanczak - DHC and the Future of Coal (576.44 KB)
Martin Hájek, Czech Association for District Heating - UP-RES: DHC and Urban Planning (1.00 MB)
Arto Nuorkivi, Aalto University
- 100 ways to make profit with DHC. Findings from a study on business models (222.18 KB)
Išsamesnė informacija apie renginį
Dr. Valdo Lukoševičiaus parengtas apžvalginis straipsnis "35-TAJAM CENTRALIZUOTO ENERGIJOS TIEKIMO KONGRESUI PASIBAIGUS…" kuris taip pat patalpintas asociacijos svetainėje, tiesioginė nuoroda
Nuotraukoje pirmoje eilėje trečias iš kairės Euroheat & Power prezidentas Birger Lauersen su Lenkijos, Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos delegacijomis.
Kiti renginiai
Teams platforma
SHERLOCK projekto vebinaras: Financing and Digital Strategies for Energy-Efficient Buildings
Kviečiame visus besidominčius pastatų renovacija š.m. gruodžio 10 d. antradienį dalyvauti ES projekto SHERLOCK vebinare „ Financing and Digital Strategies for Energy-Efficient Buildings“ („Finansavimo schemos ir skaitmenizacijos sprendimai siekiant pastatų energinio efektyvumo“)
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Mažoji konferencijų salė (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilniuje)
Energetikos seminaras „Biokuras Lietuvos energetikoje“
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos, Lietuvos energetikų senjorų klubo, Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacijos, Lietuvos biomasės energetikos asociacijos „LITBIOMA“ ir Lietuvos atsinaujinančių išteklių energetikos konfederacijos organizuotas energetikos seminaras „Biokuras Lietuvos energetikoje“.