33 metinis Euroheat&Power kongresas „Konkurencingumas: naujos perspektyvos centralizuoto šilumos ir šaltnešio tiekimo sektoriuje“ (Talking Competitiveness: new perspectives for CHP/DHC)


22 birželio, 2006


Briuselis, Lietuva


Informacijai: http://www.euroheat.org/

Šiemet Euroheat&Power kongrese dalyvavo ES Energetikos komisaras Andris Piebalgs. Iš Lietuvos į renginį vyko 4 asmenų delegaciją: Vytautas Stasiūnas (LŠTA prezidentas), Vytautas Valutis (AB „Klaipėdos energija“ generalinis direktorius), Antanas Katinas (Valstybinės kainų ir energetikos kontrolės komisijos šilumos skyriaus vedėjas), Nerijus Rasburskis (UAB „Termosistemų projektai“ direktorius)


  1. Outlook on the international energy markets to 2030 (1.06 MB). (Francois Nguyen, Energy Diversification Division, International Agency (IEA))
  2. More possibilities for CHP/DHC in the European heat markets (108 KB) (Prof. Sven Werner, Chalmers University, Sweden)
  3. Cooling. The new market dimensions (1.38 MB) (Bertrand Martin, Director, Climespace, France)
  4. Supporting the development of CHP/DHC: the Intelligent Energy for EUrope Programme (1.36 MB) (William Gillett, Head of Unit, Intelligent Energy for Europe Agency)
  5. Opportunities for CHP/DHC on the European agenda (299 KB) (Birger Lauersen, Manager, International Co-operation and Communication, Dansk Fjarrvarme, Denmark)
  6. Implementation of the CHP Directive – overview and outlook (473 KB) (Jari Kostama, Director, District Heating, Finnish Energy Industries)
  7. Emissions trading. Experiences of an international energy supplier (388.5 KB) (Roland Hellmer, Strategic Analyst, Vattenfall Europe, Germany)
  8. Primary Resources factors: for systematic evaluation of heating&cooling options (373 KB) (Niko Wirgentius, Primet Oy, Finland)
  9. A low carbon future for Poland (553.46 KB) (Prof. Louis Jestin, Director, Elektrocieplownia Krakow, Poland)
  10. No energy wasted (807.5 KB) (Franz Schindelar, Technical Director, Fernwarme Wien, Austria)
  11. Energy efficiency as a motor for economy (4.13 MB) (Ture Hammar, Danish Energy Authority)
  12. Renewables powering regional development (2.9 MB)(Reinhard Koch, European Centre of Renewable Energy, Austria)
  13. 14Riding the winds of change (1.81 MB) (Thore Sahlin, Deputy Director, Goteborg Energi, Sweden)
