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Tarptautinis seminaras „Praktiniai aspektai perkeliant Direktyvos 2006/32/EC reikalavimus“ (Best Practice in Transposing Directive 2006/32/EC) INFRA 24097
26 balandžio, 2007Organizatorius
Latvijos investicijų ir plėtros agentūraVieta
Reval Hotel Latvija (Elizabetes iela 55, Riga), Latvijoje, Lietuva
Informacijai: Inguna Ozolina tel. +371 7039405 el.p.
Multi-Country Workshop on Best Practice in Transposing Directive 2006/32/EC INFRA 24097
organised in co-operation with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Venue: To be confirmed Reval Hotel Latvija Elizabetes iela 55 LV – 1010 Riga LATVIA
26 – 27 April 2007
Aim of the Meeting
The aim of this meeting is the exchange of experience in finding of different solutions for fulfilment of requirements of Directive 2006/32/EC during the preparation of National Action plans.
The Directive requires Member states to draw up National Action plans to achieve 1% yearly energy savings in the retail, supply and distribution of electricity, natural gas, urban heating and other energy products including transport fuels.
Besides the energy efficiency targets, the Directive sets the framework for Member state activities and measures in a number of areas, such as financing, metering, billing, promotion of energy services and obligations of the public sector. Member states are required to ensure that their public sector organizations play an important role.
Target audience: representatives from institutions involved in preparation of National Action plans, representatives from national or local energy agencies, associations, large municipalities from Baltic countries.
26 April 2007
- Morning session: Inguna Ozolina, Head of EEF Secretariat, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
- Afternoon session: Janis Rekis, Head of Energy Division, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
9.30Welcome and Introduction Ugis Sarma, Ministry of Economy of Latvia, Director of Energy Department and Andra Feldmane, Investment and Development agency of Latvia, Director of Public Sector Development Department
10.00How Much Common is European Energy Policy Juris Ozolins, Advisor to the European Commission's Energy Commissioner, Brussels
11.00Coffee break
11.30Some Aspects of Transposition of Directive 2006/32/EC in Latvia Janis Rekis, Investment and development Agency of Latvia, Head of Energy Department
11.50Preparation Required for Implementing EU Directives in Sweden Yelena Varasteh, STEM
12.10National Action plan for Energy Efficiency in Greece Louiza Papamikrouli, Centre of Renewable Energy Resources, Greece
12.45Lunch break
14.00Aspects of Implementing Directive 2006/32/EC in Lithuania Inga Valuntiene, Engineering Consulting company Ekostrategia
14.20Transposition of the Directive 2006/32/EC: State of Play in Estonia Madis Lanniste, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
14.40Experiences in Implementing Energy Policy in Denmark Ture Hammar, Danish Energy Authority
15.00Coffee break
15.30Current Status of implementation of Directive 2006/32.EC in Slovakia Bronislava Herderova, Energy Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia
17.00Closure of Day I
27 April 2007
- Morning session: Inguna Ozolina, Head of EEF Secretariat, Latvian Investment & Development Agency
- Afternoon session: Juris Ozolins, Advisor to the European Commission˙s Energy Commissioner
09.30Opportunities in Directive 2006/32/EC to Enhance Energy Efficiency in Municipalities and Regions Sylvain Chevassus, Policy Officer for the Council of European Municipalities and Regions
10.20From European and National Policy to Local Action Fred Nordstrom, President of Association of Swedish Regional Energy Agencies
10.40Presentation from Union of Local and Regional Governments of Latvia
11.00Coffee break
11.30Implementation EU Policy Best Served by Co-operation at all Levels Pim Koegler, Province of Groningen, the Netherlands
12.10Energy Efficiency and its Support in Slovakia Jan Rousek, Slovak Energy Agency
12.45Lunc break
14.00Implementing the Energy Services Directive in Finland Heikki Vaisanen, Energy department Ministry of Trade and Industry Finland
14.20Measures to increase end-use energy efficiency in Lithuania Dalia Streimikiene, Lithuanian Energy Institute
14.40How to Measure Energy Savings Based on a Statistical Perspective Peter Dal, Danish Energy Authority
15.00 Coffee break
15.30Evaluation and Monitoring of Energy Efficiency in the Czech Republic Miroslav Honzik, Czech Energy Agency
15.50Financial Support of Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures Based on the Energy Rating Kostas Konstantinou, Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia, Greece
16.10Discussion / Questions
17.00Closure of workshop
Kiti renginiai

Vilnius, viešbutis Art City Inn
ES projekto SupportDHC seminaras „Centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo aktualijos ir tolimesnio vystymosi perspektyvos”
Vasario 26 d. Vilniuje, viešbutyje Art City Inn įvyko ES LIFE programos projekto SupportDHC seminaras „Centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo aktualijos ir tolimesnio vystymosi perspektyvos”.
Beveik 70 dalyvių – valdžios įstaigų, šilumos tiekimo įmonių ir kitų organizacijų atstovai – susirinko apžvelgti esamą ir prognozuojamą šilumos ūkio būklę, aptarti aktualiausius sektoriaus klausimus, siūlomas ateities gaires.