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Energetinio saugumo tematikos konferencija „Outlook & Perspectives in the Baltic Sea region“
15 lapkričio, 2012Organizatorius
Europos Komisijos Jungtinių tyrimų centro Energetikos ir transporto institutas, Lietuvos energetikos institutas bei Energetinio saugumo centras prie LR Užsienio reikalų ministerijosVieta
Lietuvos mokslų akademijoje (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius), LietuvaKonferencijos PROGRAMA
Konferencijoje skaityti pranesimai:
DG Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) (2.65 MB)
G. De Santi, Director of the Institute for Energy and Transport, DG Joint Research Centre, ECLithuanian Research Activities in Energy Security (2.21 MB)
E. Ušpuras, Director of Lithuanian Energy InstituteRegional Baltic energy cooperationopportunities, challenges, benefits (429.67 KB)
D. Merirands, Director of Energy Department, Ministry of Economy, LatviaThe role of energy markets integration in the EU external energy policy (847.57 KB)
M. Kawnik, Head of International Affairs Unit, Dept. of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Economy, PolandENERGY SECURITY OF BALTICS AND LITHUANIAN SITUATION (4.15 MB)
Rymantas Juozaitis, Lithuanian Member Committee of the World Energy CouncilWEC Energy Trilemma in the Baltic States (1.28 MB)
E. Kisel, World Energy Council Headquarters, LondonLNG terminal project in Lithuania (5.93 MB)
R.Masiulis, CEO, AB Klaipėdos Nafta, LithuaniaVisaginas NPP Project in Lithuania: Current Status and Perspectives (1.11 MB)
Dr. Gintautas Klevinskas, Director, Safety and Licensing Department UAB "Visagino atominė elektrinė"Perspective of common Nordic-Baltic energy markets (2.82 MB)
K. Kukk, Strategy Manager, Elering, EstoniaElectricity supply options for Latvia to ensure security, sustainability and efficiency (1.96 MB) Olegs Linkevics, Head of Development Section, R&D DepartmentEnergy network modeling tool MYNTS (4.01 MB)
B. Klaassen, Fraunhofer SCAI, GermanySecurity of gas supply and gas network modelling (1.64 MB)
R. Bolado-Lavin, V. Kopustinskas, EC JRC IET, the NetherlandsModelling of Energy Strategy in Latvia: Introduction of energy and climate mitigation policy issues in energy planning model (494.55 KB)
G. Klavs, J. Rekis, Institute of Physical Energetics, LatviaModelling of the Lithuanian energy sector (1.73 MB)
A. Galinis, LEI, LithuaniaElectrolysis and Biomass Hand-in-Hand (1.82 MB)
S. Linderoth, Technical University of Denmark, Head of Energy Conversion DepartmentSmart Grids: anticipated trends and policy directions (9.09 MB)
M. Masera, EC JRC IET, the NetherlandsShale Gas: perspectives and impact to the gas market in Europe (4.64 MB)
Arne ERIKSSON, DG JRC F.3 – Energy Security, European CommissionBaltic Power System Sustainable Development with Smart Grids application on Transmission Level (11.09 MB), asoc. prof. Irina Oleinikova,, Artjoms Obushevs, Institute of Physical Energetics Laboratory of Power System, Mathematical Modelling, LatviaSecurity of Supply on National Level in a European Electricity Market (1.10 MB)
G. Morén, Director of Legal Department, Energy Markets Inspectorate, SwedenChallenges and innovation in regulation of smart power systems The experience of Italy (6.77 MB)
L. Lo Schiavo, AEEG, Italian electricity and gas regulatory authority, ItalyBaltic electricity market development (1.73 MB)
R. Staniulis, Head of Strategy and Market Development Department, AB Litgrid, LithuaniaSafety Requirements for New Nuclear Power Plant in Lithuania (14.85 MB)
Michail Demčenko, Evaldas Kimtys, Sigitas Šlepavičius, State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI)How EU Funds contributed to Energy Security in MFF 2007-2013 and role of JASPERS (7.16 MB)
M. Merighi, JASPERS, European Investment Bank, PolandNATO‘s Energy Security Agenda: Science Cooperation and Partnership Opportunities (208.62 KB)
J. Grubliauskas, Energy Security, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO Headquaters, BrusselsEnergy security – a critical approach (1.69 MB)
A. Mäe, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, Estonia
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Vilnius, viešbutis Art City Inn
ES projekto SupportDHC seminaras „Centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo aktualijos ir tolimesnio vystymosi perspektyvos”
Vasario 26 d. Vilniuje, viešbutyje Art City Inn įvyko ES LIFE programos projekto SupportDHC seminaras „Centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo aktualijos ir tolimesnio vystymosi perspektyvos”.
Beveik 70 dalyvių – valdžios įstaigų, šilumos tiekimo įmonių ir kitų organizacijų atstovai – susirinko apžvelgti esamą ir prognozuojamą šilumos ūkio būklę, aptarti aktualiausius sektoriaus klausimus, siūlomas ateities gaires.