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10-asis Tarptautinis simpoziumas „Centralizuotas šilumos ir šaltnešio tiekimas“
03 rugsėjo, 2006Organizatorius
Vokietijos šilumos ir elektros asociacija (AGFW)Vieta
Hanoverio Technologijos universitetas, Vokietija
Session 1: The European heat market of the future
- The future role of District Heating (2.27 MB) (H. Noske, Stadtwerke Hannover AG / Germany)
- The role of CHP and District Heating in Europe (289.69 KB) (M. Blesl, University of Stuttgart / Germany
Session 2: District Heating in areas of low density
- Framing uncertainty: The pwer of expectations (249.2 KB) (H. Kocyba, Institute for social research, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt / Germany)
- Competitive district heating marketing to owners of Swedish single-family dwellings (143.5 KB) (W. Martensson, S. Frederiksen, Lund Institute of Technology / Sweden)
- Investment models for district heating in areas with detached houses (163.53 KB) (C. Reidhav, S. Werner, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Optimum design of distribution ans service pipes (437.38 KB) (H. Kristjansson, Danfoss A/S, Nordborg/Denmark; B. Bohm, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby)
- New technology for cheaper district heating to single-family dwellings (197.75 KB) (S. Frederiksen, J. Wollerstrand, Lund Institute of Technology / Sweden; T. Gudmundson, H. Landersjo. AF Energi&Miljo AB / Sweden)
Session 3: Technology trends – the prospects of dispersed energy: CHP and DH/DC
- Multidimensional assesment of heat and power supply technologies with a special focus on CHP (300.45 KB) (P. Radgen, J. Oberschmidt, Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe / Germany)
- Creating a digital thermal map using laser scanning and GIS (426.8 KB) (H. Neidhart, M. Sester, University of Hanover / Germany)
- Residential fuel cell systems – a future option of distributed CHP generation? (275.5 KB) (T. Pfeifer, K. Ruhling, Technishe Universitat Dreden / Germany)
- Environmental performance of district heating in suburban areas compared with heat pump and pellets furnace (72.33 KB) (M. Froling, H. Bengtsson, O. Romnas, Chalmers University of Technologu, Goteborg / Sweden)
Session 4a: Effects on DH from directives, laws and regulations
- Modelling the impact of policy instruments on district heating operations – experiances from Sweden (120.39 KB) (D. Henning, Optensys Energianalys, Linkoping / Sweden; M. Danseting, K. Holmgren, A. Gebremedhin, Linkoping Institute of Technology / Sweden)
- The new European heating index (268.5 KB) (S. Werner, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Application of the EN directive for energy efficiency in buildings (517.52 KB) (C. Kempkes, Fraunhofer-IBP, Kassel/Germany)
Session 4 b: Conceptions, drafts and studies in district heating and cooling
- Design and optimization of district energy systems (2.4 MB) (C. Weber, F. Marechal, D. Favrat, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne / Switzerland)
- Correlation of design, material flow conditions and the thermodynamic losses in hot water storage tank (404 KB) (R. Huhn, Technische Universitat Dresden / Germany)
- Suitability of district cooling for Kuwait (188.05 KB)(A.E. Hajiah, F. Alghimals, G. P. Maheshwari, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Safat / Kuwait)
- Selecting boilers in an energy flexible heating system based on lowest running cost (335.77 KB) (R. Riise, B. Jensen, Narvik University College / Norway)
Session 5 a: Renewable energy and district heating
- District Heating (DH) in areas with low heat demand density (HDD): A chance for the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) (151.11 KB) (C. Dotsch, A. Jentsch, Fraunhofer IUSE, Oberhausen / Germany)
- District heating and district cooling with large centrifugal chiller – heat pumps (260.03 KB) (P. Bailer, U. Pietrucha, Friotherm AG Winterhur / Switzerland)
- Gaseous fuels from renewable energies as basis of distributed cogeneration of heat and power (CHP) (380.47 KB) (K. Ruhling, Technische Universitat Dresden / Germany; R. Schemersahl, Leibniz-Institut of agricultural engineering Potsdam-Bonim e.V. (ATB) Potsdam / Germany)
- Estimation and validation of models two phase flow from geithermal wells (273.07 KB) (H. Palsson, E. S. Bergthorsson, O. P. Palsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik)
Session 5 b: Heat/cold generation
- A periodic process for enhanced district cooling generation (92.31 KB)(J. Soderman, G. Ohman, H Saxen, Abo Akademi University / Finland)
- Forward temperatures and production planning in district heating systems (88.05 KB) (J. Kvarnstrom, Marlardalen University, Vasteras / Sweden; J. Liljedal, E. Dotzauer, Fortum, Stockholm / Sweden)
- Method for load modelling of heat and electricity demand (391.6 KB) (L. Pedersen, R. Ulseth Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim / Norway)
- Intra-day forecast and what -if scenario analysis (681.37 KB) (A. Walters, B. -U. Rogalla, 3SConsult GmbH, Garbsen / Germany)
Session 6 a: Heat distribution – pipe properties
- Thermal conductivity of polyurethan foam – best performance (499.01 KB) (U. Jarfelt, O. Romnas, Chalmers University of Technology Goteborg / Sweden)
- Stability of PUR insulation in pipe for heat- and refrigeration-transmission (828.86 KB) (M. Gietzelt, T. Grage, M. Kahle Fernwarme-Forschunsinstitut in Hannover e. V., Hanover / Germany)
- Brittle fracture in casing pipes (555.56 KB) (S. Nilsson, K. Thornbolm, S. -E. Sallberg, G. Bergstrom (SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Leakage ways for ground-water in PUR-foam (326.2 KB) (S. E. Sallberg, S. Nilsson, G. Bergstrom, SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Insulating performance of flexible district heating pipes (94.29 KB) (C. Persson, U. Jarfelt, O Romnas, C. Reidhav, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg / Sweden)
Session 6 b: Substations and user behaviour
- The Mathilda project (504.58 KB) (G. Nilsson, Goteborg Energi AB / Sweden)
- class="center" ( class="center" Lund University / Sweden; B. Bohm, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby / Denmark; H. Larsen Risoe National Labaratory, Roskilde / Denmark)
- class="center"(J. E. Thorsen, H. Kristjansson, Danfoss A/S, Nordborg / Denmark)
- Innovative absorption chillers for air conditioning of small buildings (187.33 KB) (S. Holler, MW Energie AG, Mannheim / Germany)
Session 8 a: Heat distribution – optimisation of existing solutions
- Moisture measurements with time domain reflectometer (TDR) (191.58 KB) (S. Nilsson, S. -E. Sallberg, G. Bergstrom SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Reduction of friction forces between siol and buried district heating pipes due to cyclic axial displacements (232.29 KB) (I. Weidlich, M. Achmus, University of Hanover / Germany)
- Branch optimisation: ductile or rigid – different approaches (482.36 KB) (R. Vollmar, Stahlklar GbR, Ahnatal / Germany; F. Thiele, former University of Kassel / Germany)
- Phase changing slurries in cooling and cold supply networks (204.26 KB) (C. Pollerberg, C. Dotsch, Fraunhofer IUSE, Oberhausen / Germany)
Session 8 b: Heat metering and water quality
- Consequences of improvements in domestic hot water circulation circuits – field studies (752.2 KB) (P. -O. Johansson, J. Wolerstrand, Lund University / Sweden)
- Comparing heat measurement accuracy of a new adaptive algorithm with existing heat meters in accordance to the Swedish test standard (275.49 KB)(Y. Jomni, J. v. Deventer, J. Delsing, Lulea University of Technology, Goteborg / Sweden)
- Ecology and control of Legionella and Pseudomonas bacteria in drinking water systems (340.06 KB) (P. C. Luck, Technische Universitat Dresden / Germany)
- Optimum performance of radiator space heating systems connecting to achive lowest possible district heating return temperature (200.06 KB) (P. Ljunggren, J. Wollerstrand, Lund University / Sweden)
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SHERLOCK projekto vebinaras: Financing and Digital Strategies for Energy-Efficient Buildings
Kviečiame visus besidominčius pastatų renovacija š.m. gruodžio 10 d. antradienį dalyvauti ES projekto SHERLOCK vebinare „ Financing and Digital Strategies for Energy-Efficient Buildings“ („Finansavimo schemos ir skaitmenizacijos sprendimai siekiant pastatų energinio efektyvumo“)
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Mažoji konferencijų salė (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilniuje)
Energetikos seminaras „Biokuras Lietuvos energetikoje“
Lietuvos mokslų akademijos, Lietuvos energetikų senjorų klubo, Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacijos, Lietuvos biomasės energetikos asociacijos „LITBIOMA“ ir Lietuvos atsinaujinančių išteklių energetikos konfederacijos organizuotas energetikos seminaras „Biokuras Lietuvos energetikoje“.