BIHES projekto vebinaras “Steps to make small scale biomass district heating more efficient”


05 kovo, 2024





Š.m. kovo 5 d. vyko tarptautinis BIHES projekto vebinare “Steps to make small scale biomass district heating more efficient”, kurį organizavo LŠTA kartu su Švedijos (Sweheat), Latvijos (LSUA) ir Estijos (EPHA) šilumininkų asociacijomis.

Seminaro tikslas – aptarti mažų biokuro katilinių (apie 5 MW galios)  ir kogenercinių jėgainių eksploatavimo ir planavimo ypatumus, pasidalinti patirtimi ir aktualijomis kaimyninėse Baltijos jūros šalyse.

Renginio PROGRAMA (spausti ČIA)  

Pranešimų medžiaga:

Challenges in replacement of fossil fuels in small-scale biomass firing plants of Lithuania
Valdas Lukosevicius, Lithuanian District Heating Association

Overview of Estonia DH sector
Siim Umblea, Estonian Power and Heat Association

Situation and plans in Latvia DH market
Ingars Balcuns, Latvian District Heating Association

New Swedish strategy for biomass CHP
Paul Westin, Swedish Energy Agency

Operation of biomass boilers with low grade fuel, including co-firing mix of willow. In periods of low heat demand, the boiler is used to produce biochar, for soil improvements (a type of CCS)
Carna Walle, Bussme Energy group of DH

Heat recovery from flue gases, small scale biomass boilers. Possibility and feasibility. Usage of condensate from flue gas as make-up water for DH networks
Jonas Bergman, Radscan AB

Small scale biomass CHP, using low grade fuel.
Kasper Kranenberg, HoSt Bioenergy Systems