21-asis Pasaulio energetikos kongresas 2010


12 rugsėjo, 2010


Pasaulio energetikos Taryba (The World Energy Council)


Monrealis, Kanada

Šiais metais kongrese dalyvavo ir pranešimą skaitė Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacijos Tarybos pirmininkas Andrius Janukonis.

Pranešimą ir Lietuvos šilumos tiekėjų asociacijos šiam kongresui parengtą trumpą santrauką apie Lietuvos centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo sektorių rasite čia:

Lithuanian heat sector: today based on imported fossil fuel, tomorrow - local biofuel and wastes.pdf Lithuanian heat sector: today based on imported fossil fuel, tomorrow – local biofuel and wastes.pdf  (6.2 MB) (sutrumpinta galutinė prenšimo versija pateikta organizatoriams)

  Kiti pranešimai skaityti Monrealyje:
Technological Shift to a Low-Carbon Market. What will it look like – and how to get there.pdf Technological Shift to a Low-Carbon Market. What will it look like – and how to get there.pdf (524.06 KB)
Jørgen K. Kjems, Senior R&D Consultant, WEC Denmark Member Committee Chairman
Towards a low carbon future – The EU strategy and vision about the role of technology development.pdf Towards a low carbon future – The EU strategy and vision about the role of technology development.pdf (1.32 MB)
Fabrizio Barbaso, Deputy-Director General at DG ENERGY
Equal Energy Access:  The Power of Coal.pdf Equal Energy Access: The Power of Coal.pdf (3.33 MB)
Gregory H. Boyce, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Peabody Energy
The Low-Carbon Energy Revolution in Europe Has Begun…………..But it Must Be Accelerated.pdf The Low-Carbon Energy Revolution in Europe Has Begun…… ……..But it Must Be Accelerated.pdf (432.36 KB)
Bo Diczfalusy, Director of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology
Full life cycle –The only reliable framework for impact assessment.pdf Full life cycle – The only reliable framework for impact assessment.pdf (518.67 KB)
Samir Brikho, Chief Executive, AMEC
Energy, Oil Sands and  Sustainable Development .pdf Energy, Oil Sands and Sustainable Development .pdf (1.09 MB)
Jean-Michel Gires, President and CEO, Total E&P Canada Ltd
Emerging International Issues and Challenges.pdf Emerging International Issues and Challenges.pdf (915.52 KB)
Mike Hightower, Sandia National Laboratories – Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
Global energy mix in 2030Cost-effective solutions to the global energy challenges.pdf Global energy mix in 2030 Cost-effective solutions to the global energy challenges.pdf (436.98 KB)
Peter Leupp, head of ABB Power Systems division
Oil shale – The Unconventional Which Will Become Conventional.pdf Oil shale – The Unconventional Which Will Become Conventional.pdf (1.59 MB)
Sandor Liive, CEO, Eesti Energia, Enefit
Carbon Capture and Storage After Copenhagen : an Imperative, not an Option.pdf Carbon Capture and Storage After Copenhagen : an Imperative, not an Option.pdf (826.18 KB)
Adnan Shihab-Eldin
Alberta’s Oil SandsResourceful. Responsible.pdf Alberta’s Oil Sands Resourceful. Responsible.pdf (1.04 MB)
Peter Watson, Deputy Minister, Alberta Energy

Visus kongrese skaitytus pranešimus rasite oficialioje Monrealio Pasaulio energetikos kongreso svetainėje http://wecmontreal2010.ca/